Donate to the Sunny Day Fund
The Sunny Day Fund is used to support IACTE members who have faced a catastrophe.
The IACTE Sunny Day Fund is funded through generous contributions from IACTE members, affiliates and IACTE fund raisers.
To contribute to this fund by cash or cheque, submit payment to the IACTE, c/o Jodi Ferriell, IACTE Treasurer, One College Park, Decatur, IL 62521.
Please direct questions toÂ
Apply for assistance
All active IACTE members are eligible to receive a one-time stipend, up to $500, to assist in an extreme time of need from the IACTE Sunny Day Fund. Â
In the case of a deceased active IACTE member, the surviving spouse or dependent(s) may receive the one-time assistance stipend. Â
The Sunny Day Fund Application must be completed and submitted.